Article 1. General Provisions
1-101. Code designated.
1-102. Definitions.
1-103. Existing ordinances.
1-104. Effect of repeal.
1-105. Catchlines of sections.
1-106. Parenthetical and reference matter.
1-107. Amendments; repeal.
1-108. Powers generally.
1-109. Ordinances.
1-110. Same; subject and title; amendment.
1-111. Same; publication.
1-112. Same; ordinance book.
1-113. Resolutions, motions.
1-114. City records.
1-115. Altering code.
1-116. Scope of application.
1-117. General penalty.
1-118. Severability.
1-119. Outside collection fee.
Article 2. Governing Body
1-201. Governing body.
1-202. Same; powers generally.
1-203. Meetings.
1-204. Quorum.
1-205. Powers of the mayor.
1-206. President of the council.
1-207. Administrative powers.
1-208. Vacancies on the governing body; how filled.
1-209. Compensation.
1-210. Expenses.
1-211. Code of procedure for Kansas cities incorporated.
1-212. Code of ethics.
Article 3. Officers and Employees
1-301. Appointment.
1-302. Employees.
1-303. Removal.
1-304. Vacancy in office.
1-305. City clerk.
1-306. Same; fiscal records.
1-307. Same; seal; oaths.
1-308. Same; withholding agent.
1-309. Assistant city clerk.
1-310. City treasurer.
1-311. City attorney.
1-312. Appointment or employment in more than one position.
1-313. Conflict of interest.
Article 4. Personnel Policy and Employee Benefits
1-401. Personnel policies and guidelines.
1-402. Employee benefits contribution fund.
Article 5. Oaths and Bonds
1-501. Oath; affirmation.
1-502. Oaths filed.
1-503. Bonds required.
1-504. Same; premiums.
1-505. Condition of bonds.
1-506. Approval of bonds.
Article 6. Open Records
1-601. Policy.
1-602. Record custodians.
1-603. Local freedom of information officers.
1-604. Public request for access.
1-605. Facilities for public inspection.
1-606. Procedures for inspection.
1-607. Appointment of official custodians.
1-608. Appointment of local freedom of information officer.
1-609. Designation of additional record custodians.
1-610. Requests to be directed to custodians.
1-611. Fee administration.
1-612. Inspection fee.
1-613. Copying fee.
1-614. Prepayment of fees.
1-615. Payment.
Article 7. Investment of Public Funds
1-701. Purpose and goals.
1-702. Active funds; designation of depositories; eligible depositories.
1-703. Definitions.
1-704. Investment of idle funds.
1-705. Procedures and restrictions.
1-706. Custody and safekeeping.
1-707. Sale or transfer.
1-708. Interest on time deposits.
Article 8. Revenue, Finance & Community Development
1-801. Capital improvements fund.
1-802. Helen M. Johnston Charitable Remainder Trust Fund.
1-803. City sales tax; 0.50% for public facilities and buildings expiring after 20 years.
Article 1. General Provisions
2-101. Definitions.
2-102. Animal nuisances.
2-103. Trespass on private property.
2-104. Cruelty to animals.
2-105. Same; treatment.
2-106. Same; expenses.
2-107. Same; custody.
2-108. Disposition of animals.
2-109. Keeping animals.
2-109a. Same; complaints.
2-110. Animal traps.
2-111. Nuisance; animal activities prohibited.
2-112. Noisy animals; complaints.
2-113. Animal confines; shelters.
2-113A. Same; stockyards; commercial holding pens.
2-114. Death of animals.
2-115. Vicious animals.
2-116. Running at large.
2-117. Impoundment; fee; notice; record.
2-118. Redemption of impounded animals.
2-119. Impoundment of rabies suspects.
2-120. Animals bitten by rabid animals.
2-121. Emergency; proclamation.
2-122. Kennels.
2-123. Same; non-transferable.
2-124. Same; veterinarians.
2-125. Same; complaints.
2-126. Same; penalty.
Article 2. Dogs
2-201. License required; general.
2-202. Same; dogs.
2-203. Same; cats.
2-204. Anti-rabies vaccination required.
2-205. License fee.
2-206. Tags.
2-207. Visiting dogs or cats.
2-208. Keeping animals.
2-209. Enclosures.
2-210. Animal confines, shelters.
2-211. Poison food.
2-212. Breaking pound.
2-213. Animal traps.
2-214. Vicious animals.
2-215. Confinement of rabies suspects.
2-216. Same; state of emergency.
2-217. Running at large prohibited.
2-218. Nuisances.
2-219. Handling of complaints.
2-220. Impoundment.
2-221. Disposition of dogs or cats.
2-222. Penalties.
Article 3. Other Animals
2-301. Exotic animals.
Article 4. Regulating Fowl
2-401. Keeping of fowl.
Article 1. General Provisions
3-101. Definitions.
3-102. Restriction on location.
3-103. Minors on premises.
3-104. Consumption on public property.
3-105. Public sale; consumption.
3-106. Open container.
3-107. Consumption while driving.
3-108. Identification card.
3-109. Underage purchaser.
3-110. License refund.
3-111. Street dances.
Article 2. Cereal Malt Beverages
3-201. License required of retailers.
3-202. Application.
3-202A. License application procedures.
3-203. License granted; denied.
3-204. License to be posted.
3-205. License, disqualification.
3-206. Restriction upon location.
3-207. License fee.
3-208. Suspension of license.
3-209. License suspension/revocation by governing body.
3-210. Same; appeal.
3-211. Change of location.
3-212. Wholesalers and/or distributors.
3-213. Business regulations.
3-214. Prohibited conduct on premises.
3-215. Sanitary conditions required.
3-216. Minors on premises.
Article 3. Alcoholic Liquor
3-301. State license required.
3-302. Occupational tax.
3-303. Posting of receipt.
3-304. Hours of sale.
3-305. Business regulations.
3-306. Restrictions on location.
Article 4. Private Clubs
3-401. License required.
3-402. License fee.
3-403. Business regulations.
Article 5. Drinking Establishments
3-501. License required.
3-502. License fee.
3-503. Business regulations.
3-504. Prohibited conduct on licensed premises.
3-505. Suspension of license.
3-506. Suspension/revocation.
Article 6. Caterers
3-601. License required.
3-602. License fee.
3-603. Business regulations.
3-604. Notice to chief of police.
Article 7. Temporary Permits
3-701. Permit required.
3-702. Permit fee.
3-703. City temporary permit.
3-704. Permit regulations.
Article 8. Special Event CMB Permits
3-801. Special event CMB permits; permit required.
3-802. Same; permit fee.
3-803. Same; city special event permit.
3-804. Same; permit regulations.
Article 9. Keg Registration
3-901. Definitions.
3-902. Retailer duties.
3-903. Purchaser requirements.
3-904. Identification requirements.
3-905. Deposit refund.
3-906. Violations.
3-907. Penalties.
Article 1. Building Code
4-101. Definitions.
4-102. Uniform building code incorporated.
4-103. Additional provisions.
4-104. Building official; powers; duties.
4-105. Building inspector; appointment.
4-106. Same; duties.
4-107. Same; powers.
4-108. Same; right of entry.
4-109. Clarification; modification.
4-110. Building permit required; application; approval.
4-111. Same; application information required.
4-112. Same; plans and specifications.
4-113. Same; fees.
4-114. Same; posting.
4-115. Certificate of approval.
4-116. Inspections of building; layout of building; foundations and footings; notice to inspector.
4-117. Request for inspection.
4-118. Inspection fee.
4-119. Builder or building contractor defined.
4-120. Builder’s or building contractor’s license required; building permits; unlawful acts.
4-121. Same; application; granting.
4-122. Same; license fees; conditions; renewal; unlawful acts.
4-123. Builder’s or building contractor’s bond required; conditions; approval; rights reserved.
4-124. Insurance.
4-125. License suspension; revocation; appeal; unlawful acts.
4-126. Numbering of residential/commercial buildings.
4-126. Work by property owners.
4-127. Liability.
4-128. Severability.
Article 2. Residential Code
4-201. International residential code incorporated.
Article 3. Plumbing and Gas-Fitting Code
4-301. Definition of plumbing.
4-302. Uniform plumbing code incorporated.
4-303. Additional provisions.
4-304. Building official; authority.
4-305. Plumbing inspector; appointment.
4-306. Same; duties.
4-307. Same; powers.
4-308. Same; right of entry.
4-309. Clarification; modification.
4-310. Plumbing permit required; exception.
4-311. Same; application information required.
4-312. Same; plans and specifications.
4-313. Same; fees.
4-314. Same; posting.
4-315. Request for inspection.
4-316. Inspection; concealment of prior work.
4-317. Inspection fee.
4-318. Certificate of approval.
4-319. Connection to gas or water supply.
4-320. Condemnation; appeal.
4-321. Plumber or plumbing contractor; defined.
4-322. Plumber’s or plumbing contractor’s license required; plumbing permits; unlawful acts.
4-323. Same; application; granting.
4-324. Same; license fees; conditions; renewal; unlawful acts
4-325. Plumber’s or plumbing contractor’s bond required; conditions; approval; rights reserved.
4-326. Insurance.
4-327. License suspension; revocation; appeal; unlawful acts
4-328. Excavations.
4-329. Work by property owners.
4-330. Approved materials.
4-331. Liability.
4-332. Severability.
Article 4. Electrical Code
4-401. Definitions.
4-402. Adoption of electrical code by reference.
4-403. Additional provisions.
4-404. Building official; authority.
4-405. Electrical inspector; appointment.
4-406. Same; duties.
4-407. Same; powers.
4-408. Same; right of entry.
4-409. Clarification; modification.
4-410. Electrical permit required; application; approval.
4-411. Same; application information required.
4-412. Same; plans and specifications.
4-413. Same; fees.
4-414. Same; posting.
4-415. Request for inspection.
4-416. Inspection; concealment of prior work.
4-417. Inspection fee.
4-418. Certificate of approval.
4-419. Connection to installations.
4-420. Reinspection.
4-421. Condemnation; appeal.
4-422. Interference by unauthorized person.
4-423. Electrician or electrical contractors defined.
4-424. Electrician’s or electrical contractor’s license required; electrical permits; unlawful acts.
4-425. Same; application; granting.
4-426. Same; license fees; conditions; renewal; unlawful acts.
4-427. Electrician’s or electrical contractor’s bond required; conditions; approval; rights reserved.
4-428. Insurance.
4-429. License suspension; revocation; appeal; unlawful acts.
4-430. Work by property owners.
4-431. Approved materials.
4-432. Liability.
4-433. Severability.
Article 5. Registration of Abandoned and Vacant Buildings
4-501. Purpose.
4-502. Definitions.
4-503. Public Officer.
4-504. Inquiry and inspection.
4-505. Service of notice.
4-506. Notice content; vacant building.
4-507. Maintenance requirements for abandoned and vacant building notice; fees.
4-508. Marketing exception to registration fees for vacant buildings.
4-509. Failure to register; fees, procedures.
4-510. Appeal.
Article 6. Moving Buildings
4-601. Building official; authority.
4-602. Permit required.
4-603. Same; application for permit.
4-604. Same; bond, insurance required.
4-605. Same; fee.
4-606. Contractor; license required; fee.
4-607. Route; duties of building official.
4-608. Notice to owners.
4-608. Duty of owners.
4-609. Interfering with poles; wires.
4-610. Display of lanterns.
Article 1. General Regulations And Licenses
5-101. License required.
5-102. Application for license.
5-103. Not assignable or transferable.
5-104. License period; duration.
5-105. Exemption of farmers.
5-106. License fees.
5-107. Same; when payable; time period.
5-108. Payment of fees; receipt.
5-109. Contents of license.
5-110. Record book.
5-111. Display of license.
Article 2. Solicitors, Canvassers, Peddlers
5-201. Definitions.
5-202. License required.
5-203. Same; application required.
5-204. Issuance; county residents.
5-205. Same; investigation and issuance; non-county resident.
5-206. Same; investigation fee.
5-207. License fee; time limits; exemptions.
5-208. Renewal.
5-209. Denial, revocation or suspension of license; notice.
5-210. Appeal to governing body.
5-211. Regulations.
5-212. Use of streets and sidewalks.
5-213. Disturbing the peace.
Article 1. Governing Body
6-101. Conduct of election.
6-102. Hours of voting.
6-103. Governing body elections; terms.
6-104. Commencement of terms of office; oath of office.
6-105. Candidacy.
Article 1. Fireworks
7-101. Fireworks defined.
7-102. Application process.
7-103. Selling of fireworks.
7-104. Discharge.
7-105. Violations.
7-106. Illegal fireworks.
7-107. Penalties.
7-108. Banning fireworks.
Article 2. Emergency Fire Regulations
7-201. Fire equipment; emergency right-of-way and use.
7-202. Same; fire hose.
7-203. Obstruction of fire hydrant.
7-204. False alarm.
Article 3. Fire Prevention Regulations
7-301. Incorporating fire prevention code.
7-302. Same; inspection and enforcement.
7-303. Same; amendments.
7-304. Open burning prohibited.
7-305. Accumulation of rubbish and trash.
7-306. Stacking of hay or straw.
7-307. Keeping of packing materials.
7-308. Storage of ashes.
7-309. Filling gasoline tanks of motor vehicles.
7-310. Fire hazards generally.
7-311. Same; inspections to discover.
7-312. Abatement of fire hazards; issuing order.
7-313. Same; service of order; records.
Article 1. Health Nuisances
8-101. Nuisances unlawful; defined.
8-102. Public officer.
8-103. Complaints; inquiry and inspection.
8-104. Same; right of entry.
8-105. Order of violation.
8-106. Same; contents.
8-107. Failure to comply; penalty.
8-108. Abatement.
8-109. Hearing.
8-110. Costs assessed.
Article 2. Junked Motor Vehicles On Private Property
8-201. Findings of governing body.
8-202. Definitions.
8-203. Presumptions.
8-204. Unlawful storage.
8-205. Temporarily disabled vehicle.
8-206. Salvage dealers; screening.
8-207. Administrative procedure.
8-208. Abandoned vehicles; authority to remove.
8-209. Same; notice.
8-210. Same; sold at auction.
8-211. Same; on private property.
8-212. Enforcing officer.
Article 3. Weeds
8-301. Weeds to be removed.
8-302. Definitions.
8-303. Public officer; notice to remove.
8-304. Abatement; assessment of costs.
8-305. Right of entry.
8-306. Unlawful interference.
8-307. Noxious weeds.
Article 4. Minimum Housing Code
8-401. Title.
8-402. General.
8-403. Declaration of policy.
8-404. Definitions.
8-405. Duty of occupant or owner of occupied or unoccupied building and its premises or vacant premises.
8-406. Regulations for the use and occupancy of dwellings.
8-407. Maintenance and repair; dwellings.
8-408. Designation of unfit dwellings.
8-409. Designation of blighted premises (residential and non-residential).
8-410. Designation of blighted buildings and premises (non-residential).
8-411. Inspection of buildings and structures, and premises.
8-412. Notice of violations; procedures.
8-413. Public officer; authority.
8-414. Governing body; authority.
8-415. Order to correct and/or repair, remove or demolish.
8-416. Demolition by public officer; procedure and costs.
8-417. Conflict of laws; effect or partial invalidity.
8-418. Governing body; appeals.
8-419. Right of petition.
Article 5. Dangerous and Unfit Structures
8-501. Purpose.
8-502. Definitions.
8-503. Minimum standards.
8-504. Hearing.
8-505. Termination.
8-506. Findings of fact.
8-507. Order to repair or remove structure.
8-508. Failure of owner to comply.
8-509. City to repair or abate; costs to be assessed.
8-510. Complaints; orders to be served personally.
8-511. Appeal to district court.
8-512. Powers.
Article 6. Environmental Code
8-601. Title.
8-602. Legislative finding of fact.
8-603. Purpose.
8-604. Rules of construction.
8-605. Definitions.
8-606. Public officer.
8-607. Enforcement standards.
8-608. Unlawful acts.
8-609. Order of violation.
8-610. Penalty.
8-611. Abatement.
8-612. Hearing.
8-613. Appeals.
8-614. Costs assessed.
8-615. Construction.
Article 7. Insurance Proceeds Lien
8-701. Scope and application.
8-702. Lien created.
8-703. Same; encumbrances.
8-704. Same; pro rata basis.
8-705. Procedure.
8-706. Fund created; deposit of moneys.
8-707. Building inspector; investigation, removal of structure.
8-708. Removal of structure; excess moneys.
8-709. Same; disposition of funds.
8-710. Effect upon insurance policies.
8-711. Insurers; liability.
Article 8. Rodent Control
8-801. Definitions.
8-802. Building maintenance.
8-803. Notice to rat-stop; when city to do work.
8-804. Failure to comply.
8-805. Replace rat-stoppage.
8-806. Notice to eradicate rats.
8-807. Conditions conducive to harborage of rats.
8-808. Inspections.
Article 1. General Provisions
9-101. Municipal court established.
9-102. Same; practice and procedure.
9-103. Time and place of sessions.
9-104. Municipal judge; appointment.
9-105. Same; absence; vacancy; pro tem.
9-106. Same; powers and duties.
9-107. Same; salary.
9-108. Court clerk.
9-109. Payment of fine.
9-110. Same; failure to pay separate violation.
9-111. Failure to appear.
9-112. Court costs.
Article 1. General Provisions
10-101. Police department.
10-102. Law enforcement personnel; general duties.
10-103. Rules and regulations.
Article 2. Property In Police Custody
10-201. Regulations.
10-202. Disposition.
10-203. Same; exempt property.
10-204. Claiming property.
10-205. Proof of ownership.
10-206. Auction.
Article 1. Uniform Offense Code
11-101. Uniform public offense code incorporated.
Article 2. Local Provisions
11-201. Curfew.
11-202. Electric fences prohibited.
11-203. Fairmont cemetery; hours and penalty.
11-204. Cycles, skates, etc. in the business district.
11-205. Loud sound amplification systems.
11-206. Marijuana, drug paraphernalia or simulated controlled substances.
Article 1. City Parks
12-101. City laws extended to park.
12-102. Police jurisdiction over parks.
12-103. Damaging park property.
12-104. Dangerous weapons.
12-105. Vehicle regulations.
12-106. Hunting.
12-107. Fires.
12-108. Camping prohibited.
12-109. Sanitation.
12-110. Prohibition against alcoholic beverages and cereal malt beverages.
12-111. Preservation of natural state.
12-112. General regulations.
Article 2. Fairmont Cemetery
12-201. Cemetery board.
12-202. Sexton.
12-203. Cemetery plat.
12-204. Order to open graves.
12-205. Schedule of prices.
12-206. Lot prices.
12-207. Graves.
12-208. Restore lot.
12-209. Burial vaults.
12-210. Burial limits.
12-211. Monuments and grave stones.
12-212. Decorative devices.
12-213. Plantings.
12-214. Unlawful act; unauthorized sale; transfer of lot.
12-215. Same; picking flowers.
12-216. Same; advertising.
12-217. Same; hunting, trapping.
12-218. Perpetual endowment fund.
Article 1. Sidewalks
13-101. Sidewalk grade.
13-102. Same; specifications.
13-103. Same; petition.
13-104. Same; condemnation, reconstruction.
13-105. Notice; publication.
13-106. Right of abutting owner.
13-107. Repairs by owner or city.
13-108. Performance, statutory bond.
13-109. Obstructing sidewalks.
13-110. Same; exception.
Article 2. Streets
13-201. Excavation permit.
13-202. Same; bond.
13-203. Same; filed.
13-204. Same; barricades.
13-205. Same; unlawful acts.
13-206. Cutting curbs; pavement.
13-207. Altering drainage.
13-208. Unfinished pavement.
13-209. Using streets.
13-210. Dangerous objects on public grounds.
13-211. Petroleum products in streets.
13-212. Discharging water on streets.
13-213. Burning in streets.
13-214. Throwing in streets.
13-215. Hauling loose material.
Article 3. Trees and Shrubs
13-301. Definitions.
13-302. Creation and establishment of a city tree board.
13-303. Term of office.
13-304. Compensation.
13-305. Duties and responsibilities.
13-306. Operation.
13-307. Street tree species to be planted.
13-308. Spacing.
13-309. Distance from curb and sidewalk.
13-310. Distance from street corners and fireplugs.
13-311. Utilities.
13-312. Public tree care.
13-313. Tree topping.
13-314. Pruning, corner clearance.
13-315. Dead or diseased tree removal on private property.
13-316. Removal of stumps.
13-317. Interference with city tree board.
13-318. Review by city council.
Article 4. Snow and Ice
13-401. Snow and ice to be removed.
13-402. Same; exception; alternate remedy.
13-403. Same; penalty.
13-404. Removal may be made by city.
13-405. Costs on tax rolls.
Article 1. Standard Traffic Ordinance
14-101. Standard traffic ordinance incorporated.
14-102. Traffic infractions and traffic offenses.
14-103. Penalty for scheduled fines.
Article 2. Local Traffic Regulations
14-201. Traffic control devices and markings.
14-202. Speed limit for certain streets.
14-203. Truck parking and routes.
14-204. Parking prohibited on certain streets.
14-205. Handicapped parking.
14-206. Parking in residential zones.
Article 3. Abandoned Motor Vehicles on Public Property
14-301. Definitions.
14-302. Impounding vehicles.
14-303. Storage.
14-304. Notice of impoundment; storage of vehicle.
14-305. Impoundment after request to leave motor vehicle.
14-306. Release of motor vehicle from impoundment.
14-307. Hearing.
14-308. Charges constitute a lien.
14-309. Satisfaction of lien; notice of public sale.
14-310. Redemption.
14-311. Sale proceeds.
14-312. Statutory procedures.
14-313. Implementation of article.
14-314. Reimbursement for discharged liens.
Article 4. Hazardous Materials
14-401. Hazardous material defined.
14-402. Same; exceptions.
14-403. Transportation of hazardous materials.
14-404. Hazardous materials routes.
14-405. Delivery routes to residences and businesses.
Article 5. Special Use Vehicles
14-501. Operation of special purpose vehicles on city streets.
14-502. Definitions.
14-503. Mandatory minimum requirements and conditions.
14-504. Registration and insurance requirements and waiver.
14-505. Additional requirements.
14-506. Penalties.
Article 1. General Provisions
15-101. Definition.
15-102. Delinquent accounts.
15-103. Utility billing dates; charge for delinquent payment.
15-104. Nonpayment of utility bills; notice of account delinquency and service discontinuance.
15-105. Utility deposits.
15-106. Landlord liability.
15-107. Petty cash fund; vouchers.
Article 2. Water
15-201. Superintendent of water and sewage.
15-202. Regulations.
15-203. Service not guaranteed.
15-204. Service connections required.
15-205. Application for service.
15-206. City to make connections.
15-207. Connection fees.
15-208. Curb cocks.
15-209. Check valves.
15-210. Unauthorized service.
15-211. Cross connections prohibited.
15-212. Meters.
15-213. Same; testing.
15-214. Tampering with meter.
15-215. Leaks prohibited; penalty.
15-216. Disconnection, reconnection charge.
15-217. Interrupt service.
15-218. Prohibited acts.
15-219. Wasting water.
15-220. Water rationing.
15-221. Same; procedure.
15-222. Same; priority use.
15-223. Right of access.
15-224. Rates.
15-225. Payment of bills.
15-226. Delinquent accounts; notice; hearing; finding; liability.
15-227. Same; returned checks.
15-228. Use during fire.
15-229. Connection fee (turn-on service fee).
15-230. Service outside city limits; prohibited.
Article 3. Sewers
15-301. Definitions.
15-302. Disposal of sewage.
15-303. Natural outlet.
15-304. Privy unlawful.
15-305. Sewer connection required.
15-306. Private sewer system.
15-307. Same; permit.
15-308. Same; inspection.
15-309. Same; discharge.
15-310. Same; sanitary manner.
15-311. Same; additional requirements.
15-312. Same; connection to public sewer.
15-313. Permit; connection fee.
15-314. Same; classes.
15-315. Costs.
15-316. Sewer for each building.
15-317. Old building sewers.
15-318. Specifications.
15-319. Sewer connection.
15-320. Inspection.
15-321. Barricades.
15-322. Roof, foundation drains.
15-323. Stormwater discharges.
15-324. Prohibited discharges.
15-325. Same; superintendent’s opinion.
15-326. Same; options.
15-327. Grease and oil interceptors.
15-328. Preliminary treatment.
15-329. Manholes; etc.
15-330. Measurements.
15-331. Special agreements.
15-332. Damage to sewers.
15-333. Entry and inspection.
15-334. Minimum charge.
15-335. Penalty.
Article 4. Solid Waste
15-401. Definitions.
15-402. Duty of owner, occupant.
15-403. Residential containers.
15-404. Commercial containers.
15-405. Miscellaneous waste.
15-406. Distributing containers.
15-407. Improper containers.
15-408. Location of containers.
15-409. Collection of solid waste.
15-410. Enter private premises.
15-411. Frequency of collection.
15-412. Collection equipment.
15-413. Disposition of waste.
15-414. Rocks and dirt.
15-415. Periodic cleanup.
15-416. Permit required.
15-417. Service charge.
15-418. Request for service.
15-419. Billing.
15-420. Partial service.
15-421. Service fees; exceptions.
15-422. Failure to pay bill.
15-423. Prohibited practices.
15-424. Dumping.
15-425. Adopt regulations.
Article 5. Water Conservation
15-501. Purpose.
15-502. Definitions.
15-503. Declaration of a water watch.
15-504. Declaration of water warning.
15-505. Declaration of water emergency.
15-506. Voluntary conservation measures.
15-507. Mandatory conservation measures.
15-508. Emergency water rates.
15-509. Regulations.
15-510. Violations, disconnections and penalties.
15-511. Emergency termination.
Article 1. City Planning Commission/Board of Zoning Appeals
16-101. Commission establishment.
16-102. Membership, terms, interest and compensation.
16-103. Meetings, officers and records.
16-104. Powers and duties.
Article 2. Zoning Regulations
16-201. Zoning regulations incorporated.
Article 3. Subdivision Regulations
16-301. Reserved.
Article 4. Floodplain Regulations
16-401. Floodplain management ordinance incorporated.
Charter Ordinance No. 1 (1969)
Charter Ordinance No. 2 (1974)
Charter Ordinance No. 3
Charter Ordinance No. 4
Charter Ordinance No. 5
Charter Ordinance No. 6
Charter Ordinance No. 7
Charter Ordinance No. 8
Charter Ordinance No. 1861
Charter Ordinance No. 1897
Charter Ordinance No. 2044
Charter Ordinance No. 2051
Charter Ordinance No. 2066
Charter Ordinance No. 2097
Charter Ordinance No. 2144
Charter Ordinance No. 2150
Charter Ordinance No. 2171
Charter Ordinance No. 2318
Charter Ordinance No. 2319
Charter Ordinance No. 01 (2019)
Charter Ordinance No. 02 (2020)
Ordinance No. 2069
Ordinance No. 2074